10 DIY Gifts For Dogs You Can Make For Your Favorite Pooch

10 DIY Gifts For Dogs You Can Make For Your Favorite Pooch

Giving a gift to your dog is a great way to show appreciation and love for your four-legged friend. Gifts can range from toys for dogs that love to charge around and join in the fun and games, to new leashes and collars for those that prefer to spend their time outside getting their daily dose of exercise.

And, while your dog might not recognize the extra effort you put into making the gifts yourself, doing so can give you an extra sense of achievement while saving you some money. DIY gifts also enable you to customize the gifts and make something you will both be proud of.

Below, we look at DIY gifts you can make for your pup, which can be customized to your tastes and your dog’s needs.

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The 10 DIY Dog Gifts

1. Homemade Dog Collar

Homemade Dog Collar
Image Credit: Patchwork & Poodles
Materials: Fabric, Buckle, Slide, D Ring, Nylon Webbing
Tools: Needle, Thread, Scissors
Difficulty: Medium

The homemade dog collar is made from nylon webbing and has a soft cotton outside that is suitable for dogs with sensitive skin. Because it is homemade, you can choose any pattern of fabric you like, and the DIY pattern includes details of how to make four different sizes of collars, so you can ensure yours is the perfect fit for your pup.

The plan also includes a hack that uses an existing pre-bought collar, which makes the whole process a little simpler, still allows for customization, and gives you confidence while using the collar.

2. Dog Bowtie

Dog Bowtie
Image Credit: Patchwork & Poodles
Materials: Fabric, Fusible Fleece, Velcro Ties
Tools: Needle, Threat, Scissors
Difficulty: Easy/Medium

We’re not saying you have to have a handmade bow tie to accompany your dog’s homemade collar, but this fleece neckwear looks super stylish and really cool. It does require some sewing, but this can be done by hand or using a sewing machine, and the stitching is fairly basic stuff.

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