Ephedra-Like Weight Loss Minus the RisksĀ 

Ephedra-Like Weight Loss Minus the RisksĀ 

In the current Wild West of dietary supplement regulation, not only can a supplement be ā€œmarketed without any safety dataā€ at all, but the manufacturer is under no obligation to disclose adverse effects that may arise. No surprise, then, that online vendors assured absolute safety: ā€œNo negative side effects to date.ā€ ā€œNo adverse side-effects, no nervous jitters or underlying anxiety, no moodinessā€¦ā€ ā€œ100% safe for long-term use.ā€ ā€œIt will not interact with medications and has no harmful side effects.ā€ The president of Metabolife International, a leading seller of ephedra, assured the FDA that the company had never received a single ā€œnotice from a consumer that any serious adverse health event has occurredā€¦ā€ In reality, it had received about 13,000 health complaints, including reports of serious injuries, hospitalizations, and even deaths.Ā 

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