How to Help Your Dog Avoid Dry, Itchy Skin in the Winter: 10 Vet-Verified Tips

How to Help Your Dog Avoid Dry, Itchy Skin in the Winter: 10 Vet-Verified Tips


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If your dog has a skin condition, you’re not alone. According to Nationwide Pet Insurance, these issues are three of the top 10 reasons caregivers file claims. Winter in the Northern Hemisphere is a common culprit of dry, itchy skin, as low temperatures and humidity levels create the perfect storm for skin problems.

Luckily, many of our tips will also improve those problems. Acting promptly is essential, though, as itchy skin can lead to secondary bacterial infection if your pup’s scratching and chewing break the skin.

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The 10 Ways to Help Your Dog Avoid Dry, Itchy Skin

1. Rule Out Medical Causes

female veterinarian checking dog's paw
Image Credit: Wasan Tita, Shutterstock

We recommend beginning with a visit to the vet. Some health conditions can cause excessive itching, including parasites and food allergies. Eliminating those issues is imperative to find long-lasting relief. After all, that’s your ultimate goal when trying to avoid these problems. Your vet will examine your dog after getting a history and run blood work if needed, and then they’ll come up with a treatment plan to get the itching and other negative signs under control.

If you are concerned about the health and well-being of your pet, seek veterinary advice for the best course of action.

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