I Tried 4 Brands of Frozen French Bread Pizzas and This Was the #1 Best
Born and raised in Buffalo, New York, now living closer to NYC, I believe I’m knowledgeable when it comes to good pizza. You can’t watch a Buffalo Bills game without having a steamy, cheesy pizza paired with a side of crispy wings. I know good pepperoni must be paired with the right sauce, and the cheese simply has to be melted and sprinkled evenly.
That said, sometimes you just want enough for yourself without having to run out to grab a small pizza or pay for expensive delivery fees. Having some staples in your freezer comes in clutch. As long as they nail the proper amount of cheese, include crispy pepperoni, and the sauce is seasoned properly, you pretty much know what you’re getting with most French bread pizzas when it comes to the texture of the crust. So I tried 4 French bread pizzas to find out which one is the best. Here they are, ranked from my least favorite to the number one.
Lean Cuisine Favorites French Bread Pepperoni Frozen Pizza

Nutrition: Per 1 package, 148g:
Calories: 300
Fat: 7g (Saturated fat: 2.5g, Trans fat: 0g)
Sodium: 550mg
Carbs: 44g (Fiber: <1g, Sugar: 5g, Added sugar: 2g)
Protein: 15g
At first glance right out of the box, the pizza looks thinner, the cheese looks wrinkly and withered, and there’s only four pieces of pepperoni for the entire pizza. It’s not looking too promising, but let’s cook it and give it a try! You can either cook it all the way through in the microwave or in the oven. I opted for the microwave where you just remove the plastic, and cook the pizza for 2 1/2 minutes on high.