I Tried the 5 AM Wake-Up Challenge and It Transformed My Mornings in 3 Key Ways
Waking up at 5 a.m. might sound absurd, especially if you’re not a morning person, but some people swear by it. Social media is flooded with posts and videos touting the life-altering benefits of starting the day early. Advocates claim it helps you accomplish more, feel more productive, and lead a healthier life—but it’s not for everyone.
Mike Diamond, a Certified Addiction Recovery Expert and author of A Dose of Positivity, never planned to wake up so early, but he started a 5 a.m. routine to support his family.
“I really didn’t want to start waking up at 5 a.m.,” he admits. “My wife was pregnant, and I asked a very good friend what I could do to help her after the baby was born. Her advice? ‘Get up early, take the baby, and let your wife rest and recover.'”
Diamond began rising early the very next day. “A happy wife equals a stress-free life,” he jokes. While initially challenging, he now describes the change as “100% worth it” and shares how the daily 5 a.m. wake-up transformed his life.

Getting up at 5 a.m. was jarring at first, but Diamond used the early hours to prioritize self-care and establish a healthy routine.
“The first thing I do is drink water to hydrate myself,” he says. “Then, I do 60 to 90 minutes of Yin Yoga, a slow, restorative practice that helps me regulate my nervous system.”
After yoga, Diamond journals his thoughts and writes out his goals for the day. He follows this with weightlifting and a 20-minute mindfulness walk outdoors. “I then take a hot-cold shower and prepare for my son and wife to wake up,” he says.
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