I Tried the Keto Diet for 30 Days and Here’s Why I Won’t Do It Again
The ketogenic diet, or keto for short, is a low-carb, high-fat weight loss plan that has surged in popularity over the last few years. Originally designed to help treat children with epilepsy, keto requires cutting out many fruits, grains, starchy vegetables, processed foods, alcohol, and sugar. Social media influencers, athletes, and celebrities have touted the diet’s results, but while there are benefits, there are also significant risks.
According to Harvard Health, keto can lead to liver and kidney issues, nutrient deficiencies, and side effects like constipation, brain fog, and mood swings.
While some swear by keto, others find the diet too extreme. Eat This, Not That! spoke with people who tried keto for 30 days and ultimately decided it wasn’t for them. Here’s why.
Wanted to Stay Fit

Kevin Saghy, founder and principal of Earned Impression, a communications and marketing consultancy, turned to keto as a way to stay in shape.
“The science behind the keto diet was compelling, and it seemed worth trying as I’ve looked for ways to stay fit as I get older,” he says.
Tried Keto to Manage Health Issues

In 2020, Tess Hilmo, a retired advanced research teacher and founder of Consider This Nutrition, was diagnosed with mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), a severe condition that can cause allergic reactions like hives, swelling, shortness of breath, and more.
“It’s quite debilitating,” the 56-year-old explains. “Part of its symptomatology is acquiring multiple food sensitivities, so nutrition can be an issue for us.”