Junk Food in Hospitals
Why is hospital food so unhealthy?
“Put in stark terms, CVD [cardiovascular disease] claims 1 American life every 39 seconds and is responsible for more deaths annually than cancer, chronic lower respiratory disease, and accidents combined.” For most heart attack deaths, you just keel over. Sudden cardiac death “is the first manifestation of CHD [coronary heart disease] for the majority of individuals, particularly among women.” So, “for many of these sudden death victims, their demise was the first indication of the presence of coronary heart disease.” They didn’t even know they had heart disease. That’s why an ounce of prevention is worth way more than a pound of cure—because there is no cure for death.
That’s also why the prevention of sudden cardiac death “remains a major public health challenge” because most people don’t even know they’re at risk. However, we’ve known for more than half a century, when we first started autopsying young servicemen who died during the Korean War, that coronary artery disease begins in our youth, even among young children. So, “business as usual…simply is not going to yield the improvements necessary to radically improve the CV [cardiovascular] health of the United States” and around the world.
There is good news, though. A “low-risk lifestyle (not smoking, exercising regularly, having a prudent diet, and maintaining a healthy weight)” may be able to eliminate the vast majority of the risk for sudden cardiac death. “The time is now long overdue to start aggressive preventive cardiovascular disease programs in our schools, our homes, and our worksites.” How about starting in our hospitals?