Kevin Costner Sings the Praises of Vets and Helps Raise Money for Pets Affected by the California Wildfires

Kevin Costner Sings the Praises of Vets and Helps Raise Money for Pets Affected by the California Wildfires


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At this year’s VMX, the world’s premier veterinary expo in Orland, FL, the critically acclaimed star and director of Dances With Wolves, Field of Dreams, and television’s Yellowstone gave an emotional speech to the people of the veterinary world who have touched the lives of hearts of billions of people around the world, including his own.

As a talented actor, Kevin Costner undoubtedly could have wowed the crowds with dramatics and cliches. Instead, he spoke plainly, the simplicity of his words conveying more emotion than any rehearsed performance ever could. When he described his experience of sitting on the ground with the veterinary team, giving treats and comfort as they helped his dog make his final journey, it was clear that he was speaking from the heart and not from a script. At that moment, he was a grieving pet owner, not a world-renowned Hollywood star.

His tribute to the veterinary profession kicked off the VMX weekend, with its usual packed schedule and myriad of exhibitors that keep the vet world on the cutting edge of research, development, and patient care. Hosted by the NAVC (North American Veterinary Community), this event was also an opportunity for people to get out their checkbooks (figuratively speaking!) and make a donation to support animals affected by the catastrophic California wildfires. Not only is the NAVC raising funds on behalf of the  Pasadena Humane Wildfire Relief Fund, but they have also offered to match donations of up to $25,000.

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