Level Up With The Kettlebell Snatch: Technique, Benefits & Workouts

Level Up With The Kettlebell Snatch: Technique, Benefits & Workouts

A dynamic movement that combines strength with mobility, the kettlebell snatch is an important exercise to get right and incorporate into your training.

The kettlebell snatch is considered one of the most important kettlebell exercises to master given its benefits for development of the whole posterior chain. From hamstrings to glutes, core and quads — this movement will test them all. However, it’s an advanced kettlebell exercise that requires a little practice to get right. 

Gensan Italian Showdown 2017 Kettlebell exercisesSource: Gensan Italian Showdown
Test your limits

Using a single kettlebell, the movement involves swinging the weight between your legs and lifting the kettlebell up above your head in one swift motion, then dropping the weight back down to repeat for the prescribed amount of reps. 

The following article will cover how to complete the exercise with the right form, what muscles are worked, and why you should incorporate kettlebell snatches into your workout routine.

How To Do a Kettlebell Snatch

It is recommended that you practice your skills with a kettlebell for several months prior to putting them together in a kettlebell snatch. A kettlebell snatch is a fairly technical movement that involves throwing around a heavy weight at speed, so you might need to start off with some lighter weight as you get a feel for it. 

Kettlebell exercises to get comfortable with when building up to the snatch include a Turkish get-up, kettlebell cleans and kettlebell swings.

Swing the kettlebell between your legs with your thumb pointing back. Bend your knees and move the weight into the hips. Keep your core and back braced. Using the momentum of the swing, bring the kettlebell up to the shoulder with your four fingers pointing upwards and your thumb and palm hooking the handle. The movement should look strong, with no bend in the wrist.

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