Not all belly fat is created equal. Here are the different types and how they impact your health.
With New Year’s resolutions in full swing, lots of Americans are committing to being more fit and losing weight. One stubborn area that many of us will be battling is that squishy part around our midsections, and it’s not just the consequence of overindulging in holiday treats.
Belly fat tends to accumulate more as we age (especially for women) and apart from being a nuisance, it can have a big impact on our health. But it’s actually the belly fat you can’t see that can be most harmful. Here’s how to tell if you have a healthy amount —and what you can do to get rid of any excess.
What are the different types of belly fat?
Subcutaneous fat
A majority of fat (90%) is subcutaneous fat, which is the layer of fat closest to the skin. Since it’s stored right under your skin, you can easily get a sense of how much subcutaneous fat you have by pinching the area, Dr. Judith Korner, professor of medicine and director of the metabolic and weight control center at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, tells Yahoo Life.
But that subcutaneous fat isn’t all bad, and in fact can play an important role in overall health.
“You need fat for energy,” Korner explains. “Subcutaneous fat is important to protect the bones and internal organs, provide insulation and even produce some beneficial proteins.”
Linda Van Horn, a professor of preventive medicine and chief of the nutrition division at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, tells Yahoo Life that while subcutaneous fat acts as a protective layer, excessive fat above a body mass index (BMI) of 30 constitutes obesity and is considered a risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension and some forms of cancer.
Visceral fat
Visceral fat makes up just 10% of total fat and is harder to detect. “You can’t feel visceral fat,” Korner explains. “It is stored deep inside your abdomen and surrounds organs such as your liver and intestine.”