Obesity’s Impacts on Our Brain, Dementia, and Fertility
Weight loss can decrease dementia risk and improve mental performance and fertility.
As I’ve discussed previously, in the ABCs of the health consequences of obesity, A is for Arthritis, B is for Back Pain and Blood Pressure, C is for Cancer, and D is for Diabetes. That brings us to E, which is for Encephalopathy.
Encephalopathy means brain disease. There are consistent data linking obesity in middle age to a higher risk of dementia later in life. Researchers found that individuals who are overweight have about a one-third higher risk of dementia and those who are obese in mid-life have about 90 percent greater risk. The risk isn’t limited only to future dysfunction, though. People with excess body weight don’t appear to think as clearly at any age.
“It was found that obese participants showed broad impairments on executive functions” of the brain, including working memory, decision-making, planning, cognitive flexibility, and verbal fluency. “From resisting temptation to keeping long-term goals in mind, executive functions play a critical role in everyday life,” noted a meta-analysis and review of 72 studies on the issue.
According to researchers, people may think about their obesity and the resulting stigma they experience as much as five times an hour, but the cognitive deficits do not appear to arise just from distraction; there are structural brain differences between individuals who are at an ideal weight versus overweight.
A review entitled “Does the Brain Shrink as the Waist Expands?” noted gray matter atrophy across all ages among those carrying excess body fat. It’s this reduced brain volume that has been correlated with lower executive function. As you can see below and at 1:42 in my video The Effects of Obesity on Dementia, Brain Function, and Fertility, compromised integrity of the rest of the brain—the white matter—suggests accelerated brain aging, even in young adults and children with obesity.