Police Officer Wants to Inspire Students to Be Fit To Serve

Police Officer Wants to Inspire Students to Be Fit To Serve

It is common for a family member’s passion or career to be passed down to the next generation. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a third-generation pro wrestler, and his oldest daughter is currently a part of WWE’s NXT brand.

In bodybuilding, there are several second-generation stars such as Hunter Labrada, son of the great Lee Labrada, and Sergio Oliva Jr., whose father was a three-time Mr. Olympia winner.

Kailee Fessock has all the above beat. Her family tradition of law enforcement service goes back to her great-great grandfather. She is a fifth-generation police officer, currently serving as a school resource officer in St. Cloud, FL, and she is the first female in her family to follow that family path.

“It definitely runs in the family, and I grew up in it,” Fessock said proudly. “I love it a lot.”

Fessock also enjoyed athletics and sports as a kid growing up in Baltimore, Maryland. The West Virginia University graduate discovered CrossFit while she was in college, and she’s been hooked ever since. The different challenges and the common bond formed by the people in her gym were what established her love for the discipline.

“I like the variety, and I love the people,” she said. “There was no community like CrossFit Ridgeline, and I still miss it.”

CrossFit helped her far beyond being in shape alone. She was a Division I soccer player as well, and the combination of running and lifting heavier weights served her well when she took the field.

“I was able to stand my ground, move quicker to the ball, and I feel it even helped me be a better team player,” said Fessock. “CrossFit has taught me to not quit.”

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