What Happens to Your Body when You Try to Lose 10lbs of Fat in 50 Days?

What Happens to Your Body when You Try to Lose 10lbs of Fat in 50 Days?

What happens to your body when you try to lose 10lbs of fat in 50 days? Keep scrolling to find out.

Now, before we get to answer that question, there are many variables that get into play. And the first one is how much you weigh at the moment. A person weighing 300 pounds can technically lose 10 pounds of fat in 50 days much easier than someone who weighs 150 pounds in total.

The leaner you are, the harder it is to lose weight because your body will do everything it can to keep body fat and to survive. That means, if you are very skinny, your body will automatically waste less energy to get up from a chair, breath or simply move your fingers while typing compared to someone who is overweight. That is simply the logistics of physics and biology of our body.

But we are not here to make hypothetical questions with no answer. You want to know what happens to your body when you try to lose 10 pounds of fat in 50 days, correct? For that, we turned to a video posted recently by the Goal Guys.

The Goal Guys are two brothers (Brendan and Cam Jones) with a YouTube channel with more than 400,000 subscribers. They share videos in which they take on “different goals in fitness and productivity.”

volumetrics dietSource: i yunmai / unsplash

In this article, we are focusing on Cam Jones, the self-proclaimed less athletic of the brothers. He writes that he wanted to lose 10 pounds of body fat to turn things around in his life… and actually succeeded it. Check it out in the paragraphs below his whole trajectory.

Worst Diet Mistakes For Losing Fat

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