Work Out To Improve Your Work Performance
Whether you have a resolution to improve your work performance, nail that interview for a new job, or a impress everyone at a big meeting , a new study has shown why you should make the time to put some vigorous physical exercise into your overall prep. The effects of working out before work could last for a significant period of time according to scientists, so here’s how to get more joy from your job.
The recent study, published in the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, notes that while previous reports have found a link between physical activity and a resulting boost in cognitive performance, little was known about how long these effects lasted. So, scientists led by University College London looked to qualify some information that could help in your journey towards both your physical and career goals.
How was the study carried out?
British adults aged 50-83 years, who had no known previous cognitive or dementia issues were evaluated after exercise. The researchers wanted to know how this physical exertion would affect their attention, memory, and mental processing speed, and for how long it would last after getting their sweat on.
What were the results?
Those who did moderate to vigorous activity performed significantly better, especially in terms of memory recall concluded the new study, and the benefits even lasted into the next day. At the same time, those who spent more time in a sedentary position performed worse. “Our findings suggest that the short-term memory benefits of physical activity may last longer than previously thought, possibly to the next day instead of just the few hours after exercise,” explained Dr Mikaela Bloomberg, who was the lead author of the report. And if you really want to supercharge an important day, make sure to get some quality shut eye. “Getting more sleep, particularly deep sleep, seems to add to this memory improvement.” says Dr Bloomberg.
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