Your Daily Horoscope for December 10, 2024

Your Daily Horoscope for December 10, 2024

You could struggle between worldly progress and inner healing today. In your daily horoscope, the moon remains in fiery Aries, inspiring us to listen to our instincts as well as we should. But when the sun in Sagittarius trines “wounded healer” chiron at mid-day, all our feelings come up big time. (Chiron is a celestial body representing our wounds and healing journey.) We may not know exactly what to do with all our emotions while we’re busy slaying our task list and showing our best face in Zoom meetings. In other words, we must balance how we feel with what we offer the world. Yes, it’s OK to cry, and sometimes it happens in the office (or on a lunch break), but you can’t beat yourself up when it does. Your emotions need a place to go, or else they’ll come back and bite you later.

In This Article


March 21–April 19
Daily horoscope image with Aries zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

You’re a superstar again today on and off the field, Aries, but when you power off from warrior mode and spend some time with your quietest self, you might find that you need to refuel. The “wounded healer” planet is in your sign and it could trick you into thinking strength is the only kind of power you need when softness is just as necessary.


April 20–May 20
Daily horoscope image with Taurus zodiac sign against a starry rainbow pattern.

The parts of your psyche that are already healed, still in the process of healing, and that you haven’t even touched—that’s the material that could come up today. It’s natural to want not to address any of it, but burying it won’t do you any favors, Taurus. Instead, parcel it out a bit at a time—in digestible bites—and process it with a trusted friend or loved one.

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